-Slowly But Surely, Restarting the Work-

It's been a long 2 1/2 months. People in Kabul have been in a state of total limbo, confusion and fear - and this has included our staff and our partner organization, HEWAD. As much as we wanted them to get out on the streets to give aid to people, and also restart...

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-Changes and Updates in Kabul, Post-Taliban

Dear MEPO Friends,  Three weeks have passed since the world in Afghanistan turned upside down. Many of you immediately reached out to offer help to those struggling in tumultuous circumstances, and we’d like to keep you posted: Update on the Afghan Aid situation: We...

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-5 Days In, In Kabul (Aug. 20, 2021)

Dear MEPO supporters, It was just 5 days ago that we wrote you in regards to the Taliban in Kabul, to update about the Garden of Flowers and about MEPO's plan to help internal refugee families. Immediately your emails and donations began arriving, with your great...

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-Taliban Kabul Situation Today-

**This is an email that was sent out on August 15, 2021. Our Hope To Continue in Kabul Dear Friends, As you know, the situation in Afghanistan this week has been extremely shocking, and today in Kabul everything shifted dramatically. We wanted to briefly update you...

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The Joys of Ice Cream (July 2021)

Every Sunday at some point during our video chats with the GoF staff, we hear the jingle of an ice cream truck driving by playing a tinny version of "Happy Birthday." We all laugh - most people would agree that ice cream brings joy. So after the big holiday of Eid al...

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Art and Beauty in the Garden (July 25, 2021)

How often have we seen preschools filled with garish cartoon pictures and blaring colors? As if that is all that would attract the eyes and minds of children... But at the Garden of Flowers, the walls have been gradually graced with beautiful murals and handmade...

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How’s Obaid? (July 2021)

In May, we sent out a newsletter (see The Story of Obaid's Heart) telling about Obaid, a young man who grew up in the House of Flowers and whose disability of leg paralysis (perhaps polio) had resulted in great difficulties in establishing his life. In May he came to...

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