Past Projects
MEPO’s work began in Nepal, but since 1999, MEPO has offered support all over the world.
Sometimes the work is longer term and reaches more people, such as health clinics or the House of Flowers Orphanage or the Garden of Flowers.
But other projects are short-terms and small-scale – maybe providing a good meal for people, or money for medical treatment of one family member.
Even though these types of support are small scale and labeled ‘not sustainable’ by the foreign aid and development industry, our philosophy is that even if it’s just a full stomach is only ‘sustained’ for a few hours, our mission of making others feel a bit of reprieve from the harshness of life has been accomplished. And that is really all that matters.
We must do whatever we can with what is right in front of us, no matter how small or short-lived it may seem to us.