The Joys of Ice Cream (July 2021)

Every Sunday at some point during our video chats with the GoF staff, we hear the jingle of an ice cream truck driving by playing a tinny version of “Happy Birthday.” We all laugh – most people would agree that ice cream brings joy. So after the big...

Art and Beauty in the Garden (July 25, 2021)

How often have we seen preschools filled with garish cartoon pictures and blaring colors? As if that is all that would attract the eyes and minds of children… But at the Garden of Flowers, the walls have been gradually graced with beautiful murals and handmade...

How’s Obaid? (July 2021)

In May, we sent out a newsletter (see The Story of Obaid’s Heart) telling about Obaid, a young man who grew up in the House of Flowers and whose disability of leg paralysis (perhaps polio) had resulted in great difficulties in establishing his life. In May he...

Let Us Focus on What We Can Do… (Newsletter May 11, 2021)

*This post is  a newsletter update that went out to MEPO’s mailing list on May 11, 2021. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email us at Let Us Focus On What We Can Do, Not on What We Can’t By now, the heavy news...