Afghan elections were scheduled to happen this year on September 28. As the whole world knows, elections are always a fraught time in Afghanistan, with an unpredictable security situation. Then in mid August, the staff of the House discovered that a political candidate was living on their street, just a few doors down.
This posed a critical security issue, and the staff moved incredibly fast: they worked with our partners HEWAD to find a house and within days the staff had packed up, moving everyone and everything to a new house in a safer location.
The pictures below are of moving into the new house… (click on a picture to enlarge it)
The new house is big and comfortable, and has a big play space in the back. It is near the children’s neighborhood school, so moving was relatively undisturbing to the children’s lives.
We’re always grateful at times like this, that the staff is keeping a close tab on the children’s safety, and doing all they can for them.