The Garden of Flowers has been in full-swing for only 2 months, but already we are seeing a beautiful unfolding of the environment as well as the children’s work and the teachers’ efforts.

Below are several videos of the children in different parts of their day, from arriving in the morning to time in the classroom.

Notice the children’s intense concentration as they work with the Montessori materials. This is very significant. For small children, concentration is very powerful for their development in all ways: neural, physical, cognitive. It leads to their own internal ‘construction’, something that will have a fundamental positive impact on their growth and development. It is this kind of work that contributes to peace.

Fatima greets the children each morning.
The day begins with washing up.
Leila does a pouring activity.
Zahra works with the constructive triangles.
Yalda shows great precision and concentration with half of the binomial cube.
Bead stringing is a favorite work, and the classroom hums in the background.
Nik Mohammad reading to a small group.
Abu Bakr tidies his folding cloths work.
Hosna leads the group in spelling and saying the numbers 1, 2 and 3.