It’s been a while since we’ve posted, but maybe that’s a sign that things are stable and as normal as they can be in Kabul…new children Jan 2016 (3) (Medium)

Newsletter  House of Flowers Summer Newsletter September 2016

All is well! Our newsletter here gives details about the benchmarks the children are passing through and has pictures too – read about who is studying nursing, and who just got engaged! House of Flowers Summer Newsletter September 2016


Changesplayground pics feb 2016 (5) (Medium)    

We’ve had some important changes that’s the staff has had to adjust to, however. In the spring, Fahim, our manager/leader/adopted uncle of the House, decided he was going to move on to a higher position in HEWAD (our partner organization.) The staff and children were very sorry to see him go – he’s been there from the beginning and was instrumental in making the House what it is today – but the people of Afghanistan are used to change. Fahim wrote a touching letter, saying that he will always be there for the House and the children. We know that he will always hold a special place in their lives.

Fahim was replaced by Rafiullah Raza who now serves as manager of the House. The teachers have 20160531_120107_resizedtrained him in Montessori principles and he is now taking care of the logistics and practical details of running the House. Unfortunately, this has also included moving to a new house twice in 6 months. The rental market in Kabul is brutal, with renters having no rights. So when a landlord doubles the rent, we must move on.

In August, the staff was able to find a new house for the same rent, and much closer to the children’s schools, so it turned out to be a blessing. children school result saug 2016 (3) (Medium)


The summer of attacks in Kabul have been very disturbing, to say the least, but our staff and the children have all been safe. We are sorry to report that one staff member of HEWAD, our partner organization, was killed in one bomb attack, and we were all saddened by this news that brought it closer to home for everyone.

The Children

A number of new children have joined the House and are thriving. They are so excited to be learning. We see consistently that once children settle in to the safe and nurturing environment of the House, they exhibit a deep craving to learn and study. Our teachers feed that need richly, with the Montessori materials and enriching activities and a vibrant environment.

We hope you enjoy the newsletter! House of Flowers Summer Newsletter September 2016basira birthday party aug 2016 (11)