A book of memories and images of House of Flowers

Dear Friends,  In 2003 and 2004, a photographer and friend of the Montessori House of Flowers named Judy Duchesne-Peckham traveled to Kabul to visit and document life in the House of Flowers Orphanage. Her photos captured the lives of the children and told the...

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Funding and the Future, 2020 and beyond

It would be easy to give up on Afghanistan. After so many years of turmoil, it often feels like things are not getting any better. And maybe they're not. The future looming with the Taliban and peace is very unclear, especially what it may mean for the girls and women...

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Where Do the Children Live? A New House in Fall 2019

Afghan elections were scheduled to happen this year on September 28. As the whole world knows, elections are always a fraught time in Afghanistan, with an unpredictable security situation.  Then in mid August, the staff of the House discovered that a political...

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New Children – Fall 2019 update

Summer has come and gone. Despite the ongoing struggles in Afghanistan with security, the House of Flowers has carried with its cheerful family life. And autumn brought a number of new children to the House.  (Click on the photos below to enlarge.) The new children...

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Growing Up, Part 2: Razia and Maryam

We continue our series on the children of the House who are now adults with two successful and strong girls: Razia and her two younger sisters were the first children of the House of Flowers, arriving in 2002. As such, Razia always held a special role as everyone's...

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Growing Up, Part 1 : Hayat and Waheed

"What happens when the children grow up and leave the House?"  We'd like to share with you a series of stories and pictures of some of the children who grew up in the House and are now young adults, making their way in the world. Many of the children in the picture...

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Winter 2019 – Daily Life in the House

It is nearly spring, and the national holiday of Naw Ruz (New Year) on March 21 is approaching in Afghanistan. It is a time to celebrate with friends and family, new clothes, special cookies and feasts, and gifts. And in honor of Naw Ruz, it's the perfect time to give...

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July 2018 – The Cycle of Life at the House

A few months back we wrote you a brief update about the House of Flowers. Today we have additional news about some life milestones occurring within the House, encompassing both ends of the cycle of life: There once were two brothers, Ashraf and Hekmat. They were...

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March 2018 – New Children, New Website, New Needs

Happy New Year! March 22 was the New Year in Afghanistan, a time of celebration, and the House of Flowers is no exception. It thrives on! And now, with the release of our new and revamped website in this new year, we are happy to also begin an important fundraising...

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