The last few weeks have been a heavy flurry of difficult times in the world, with the earthquakes rocking western Afghanistan and the human upheaval in the Middle East. Several of you have asked if all is ok with everyone in Kabul after the earthquake.
So this is just a very brief one to say that everyone with the Garden of Flowers is doing fine. The earthquake had no effect physically, but of course everyone has been emotionally distraught by the awareness of suffering of the people, mostly women and children, who were affected there, and the limited abilities of the Taliban to help.
And although we have no direct connections in the Middle East, we all are feeling the ripple effects of such unpeaceful times.
Recently, a Montessorian in the US wrote to her school community: “Dr. Maria Montessori lived through the tragedy of World War I, the totalitarianism of the 1920s and 1930s, and the devastations of World War II. And yet she saw that the world could be made beautiful. After a lifetime of observing children, she was convinced that peaceful education was the key to transforming humanity.”
This is a very much needed reminder of the work to re-humanize how we see each other, and that children can point the way.