At the House of Flowers from 2002 to 2020, it was always a strong tradition among the staff to have a celebration on International Women’s Day with the children. Everyone dressed up, and the room was transformed into a fancy hall. One child served as announcer, learning how to speak the elaborate, formal speech of a presenter, introducing the various ‘acts’ and offerings by the children: poems, dramas, songs, speeches. The women on staff received gifts, to great applause, and all enjoyed special milk tea and cookies in a ‘reception’ afterwards.
Happily, the tradition continues at the Garden of Flowers as of today, March 8, 2020! Sure, the participants are a little shorter and the chairs a little smaller, but the love and energy is not one bit less.

Leila, one of the Garden of Flowers children, outside her home.
This was for many of the children the first kind of celebration or party like this that they had ever been to. Knowing the humble backgrounds these children come from, the power of this kind of special day and celebration has even more poignancy, and is even more special.
Please enjoy the videos of the festivities below. Zahra, age 6, is the very sophisticated Master of Ceremonies, as she and her peers learn how to celebrate the strength and presence of women in Afghanistan.